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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Get a Mac Ads and Vista Imitation

Started a new cycle and dont have the time to write out any blogs. Hands busy thrusting stuff inside peoples ear nose and throat in the morning and busy cutting hands and legs in the's an article i picked up from myMacBUZZ about the Switching ads apple made..enjoy! ill try to attach the video if possible..

About the Get A Mac commercials

The Get A Mac ads, you either love it or hate it, either way the ads had made an impact. Surely it is more entertaining then the previous “Switch” ads. However some people are misinterpreting the adverts.

The commercials produced for Apple by TBWA who had done ad campaign for Adidas, PlayStation, Nissan and other high profile client. There are even now an UK and Japan version of the ads with different actors playing ‘PC’ and ‘Mac’.

The common misinterpretation are regarding both the characters ‘PC’ played by John Hodgman and ‘Mac’ played by Justin Long. They do not represent Bill Gates and Steve Jobs neither do they represent PC users and Mac users.

What both of the characters represent are the machine itself. If a PC and a Mac were to take a human form, that is most probably how they will look like. If both machine were to be humanize and were able to talk, most probably that is how they will act. This is what the whole Get a Mac commercials is going for.

Notice that on each commercials they introduced themselves as “Hi I am a PC”, “and I am a Mac”. They didn’t say that “I am a PC user” or “I am a Mac user”.

So PC users don’t be offended over the ‘Get a Mac’. The commercials are not saying that you are boring, just that your machines are.

About Vista And MacOSX

Here are some interesting facts you should know ...i do admire these guys presenting skills though, very relax and yet interactive.

Here are some of the ads i promised


asrul said...

the clips are so cool...ure so cool...job well done...i think that apple should pay u sum money...n wen u get the money...u know what should be done...hehe

maddie said...


did you check out the Hi! I'm Linux ads, where they have Linux as a girl?

also, very cute.

definitely catchy. most certainly will appeal to the younger demographic.

competition is good. were it not for the constant race to be the best, progress would advance at a much much slower pace. either way the end consumer wins :)